Cubs message Spring 2016


Morning All,

Welcome back to a new term, we hope you all had a good Christmas. Subs this term are £18 for first child and £15 for second and subsequent children. Our preferred method of payment is directly into the bank.

Account number 90023132

Sort code 40-37-60

Please state gift aid payer, section and what money is for.

Dates for diary – District Events

January 23rd – district quiz, 2pm-4:30pm

March   19th – District football 1-6pm

District centenary camp 30th April – 2nd May at Woodhouse Park.

Please can you let me know if your child wishes to attend these events, I need to names of Cubs for the quiz next week.

Programme for this term

We are starting our skills award over the next term, we will be completing various activities to enable children to achieve the award. We will be doing the home help badge which require Cubs to do some tasks at home. A sheet will be provided for parents to complete. Unfortunately we are unable to do it all at Cubs due to facilities at the school.

January 6th – start home help badge

January 13th – make cakes

January 20th – back to basics in preparation for quiz.

January 27th – games night

February 3rd – Shrove Tuesday activity

February 10th – Chef Badge

February. 27th – Team Building – Challenge night

March 2nd – Football practice/mother day activity

March 9th – Make hovercrafts

March 16th Saints activity

March 23rd – visit to be arranged as part of badge , to be confirmed.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Many Thanks

Val, Vera, Caroline & Jo