Scouts message Autumn 2016


Hello All,

Scouts starts back tomorrow night (2/9/16). We plan an easy start to the term with a games evening.

I will circulate the other plans later.

We also have the group AGM this month on 22nd September at Murray Hall, everyone is welcome.

The Subs this term will be £21 for the first child and £17.50 for each subsequent child.
Our preferred method of payment is directly into the bank

Account number: 90023132
Sort code: 40-37-60
Payment Ref: gift aid payer/section/what the money is for. (Scouts Subs etc)

If you pay by cash, please be aware we do not carry a float and so may not be able to give change.

As normal, any questions please ask.



SL 15th St Peters’ Sea Scouts.